by Barry McCann
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Spirited By Barry McCann
adjective: spirited; suffix: -spirited
1. full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.
"a spirited campaigner for women's rights"
2. having a specified character, attitude, or mood
The energy that horses represent revolves around power, freedom and endurance. The rate at which work is done is measured in terms of horsepower. I’m in awe of this majestic animal’s size, strength and speed.
Dimensions: 48 x 32 in (122 x 81.3 cm)
Acrylic on canvas
adjective: spirited; suffix: -spirited
1. full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.
"a spirited campaigner for women's rights"
2. having a specified character, attitude, or mood
The energy that horses represent revolves around power, freedom and endurance. The rate at which work is done is measured in terms of horsepower. I’m in awe of this majestic animal’s size, strength and speed.
Dimensions: 48 x 32 in (122 x 81.3 cm)
Acrylic on canvas